You are probably all too familiar with those little negative thoughts inside your head, saying you will fail, or you are not good enough, or you don’t measure up somehow. We all hear these pesky little voices in our heads pop up when we least want to hear from them, and there is nothing to be ashamed of in admitting it. You may be wondering how to overcome negativity when this happens. You can start with simple things and try to show yourself a little love and patience in those moments. Would you like to know how to overcome negativity with 5 self-nurturing steps?
First and foremost, what matters the absolute most is what we do with these confidence killers when dealing with them. Don’t let them overwhelm you or take over the positive mindset you are trying to have. Always take a moment and try to remember that they will pass. Do not let them paralyze you with fear or keep you from doing what you love. Learning to keep them in check may take a little work, but when we do, we will even learn to laugh at them occasionally. Habits of practicing self-nurturing steps will help you overcome negative thoughts, and soon they will seem like a drop in the bucket. There are so many strategies to master this life skill; once you do, you will be taken to new heights.
Caring for loved ones can be simple when compared to caring for yourself. The challenge of caring for yourself can often lead to mediocre self-care, which defeats the purpose. Most people tend to put everything else, including other people’s needs, before their own. It is easy to do, especially when we are all busy with too much on our plates at work and home. Finding a balance and staying centered may seem challenging to achieve, but we can all learn to be more intentional with this.
One thing we should not ignore is that the dangers of neglecting your own needs are way too significant to ignore. After going too long without taking care of yourself, you will burn out, which is why understanding the immeasurable value of taking care of yourself is essential before you get to that point. As an incentive, it is helpful to remind yourself that investing in your own well-being will pay off in many ways, especially in the long run. It will help ensure you are mentally strong, satisfied, and always perform at your best. Not only do you want to practice self-care physically, but you should practice self-care mentally too.
To start out, here are my top 5 tips to show yourself love through self-nurturing:
- Get plenty of rest every night: Lack of sleep can be a highly stressful side effect that lingers throughout your day and keeps you from performing your best in all that you take on. Set a regular bedtime and stick to your routine every night. Turn off your technology and stay off social media for at least one hour before bed. Most adults need 6-8 hours of sleep a night, so aim for that. You will find yourself refreshed and able to start your day better.
- Make good food choices: One of the simplest ways to care for yourself is by changing your diet. The foods you eat affect your mood, energy, and well-being. Fruits and vegetables help you get the nutrients and antioxidants your body needs to stay healthy and strong. Try to limit sugar intake in both food and drink because it can minimize obesity, diabetes, and many other health issues. Cut out foods high in fat and processed foods that can make you feel lethargic. Stay hydrated by sipping on water throughout the day. If you struggle to drink enough, add lemon or mint if that helps you drink more.
- Exercise regularly: We could all exercise more frequently, but instead of making exercise a chore to cross off your list, look at it as a break from your routine. If you sit at a computer all day, you must be creative to find ways to move around more. Make simple changes that are easy to continue and go for a short walk around the block, play catch with your child, ride a bike, do some house cleaning, or dance to music. These activities will lighten your mood, and you will see benefits immediately.
- Take care of your physical and mental health: Get those annual medical checkups and stay on top of your bloodwork and healthcare recommendations. Even though it is challenging to carve out the time for these appointments, screenings benefit your health in the long run and should not be skipped—schedule appointments one year in advance for ease. Do not neglect your mental well-being. Take time to declutter your mind by using prayer, guided meditation, silent reflection, or a power nap. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed regularly, talk to a friend or loved one and seek professional advice when needed.
- Indulge yourself: We should all indulge in enjoying life’s simple pleasures. Letting yourself indulge will be the perfect way to show yourself some love. Find a leisure activity that makes you feel good, like dancing, singing, painting, gardening, reading, yoga, fishing, sports, pottery, sewing, or any recreation. Allow yourself time to recharge your batteries, increase your energy levels, and even boost your self-esteem. If you feel like snacking, have a charcuterie board with a glass of wine or dark chocolate with fruit to nourish and fuel your body constantly. The options are endless, and indulging will help reduce stress.
Now that you have simple ways to show yourself some love, it’s time to get out there and do it. Do not consider caring for yourself selfish; it is the opposite. One reason it is selfless is that no matter how good it is to help others, we are not truly helping them if we do not start with ourselves. When you take good care of yourself, you have more to give to others. If you want to give your best to the world, start by providing the best to yourself. In doing so, the more you fill yourself up, the more you will be in a better position to help and support others daily.
It is also true that the better you understand yourself, the better you can understand others and empathize with them in many situations. Your patience and tolerance will grow when you care for yourself, benefiting the world around you. To be the best version of yourself, you must learn about your emotions because self-knowledge leads to trust in yourself. Think of nurturing a friendship with someone special…you would advise them to take care of themselves because it is in their best interest. What about your own best interest? Chances are you know exactly what you need, so go ahead and ask yourself for some advice, and then go and take it. You will lead a healthier and happier life when you do!
Do you have ideas to share on how you self-nurture yourself from negativity? Drop a comment below with your insights.