Even if you have never volunteered officially, you have probably heard sayings like ‘pay it forward’ or ‘do it for the greater good.’ Generally, people want to do good deeds and, at the very least, reciprocate the good they receive. Some even consider it a requirement to do something for a good cause in return for receiving something positive. In some work cultures, it is required to do volunteer work if you want to be promoted or get hired for a leadership role. Whatever the reason for volunteering, and despite differences in beliefs that encourage people to do good works, most people know it can make them feel fantastic when they do a good deed for others. Most volunteers will tell you their feelings are not their biggest motivation when asked why they volunteer. They will probably say they volunteer mainly because they desire to help others. You might think that recipients of good deeds reap all the benefits, but there are many more benefits for those who volunteer. Keep reading to learn about the top 5 ways to volunteer good works to show love for others.

It can be difficult to find time to volunteer with such busy lives, but the benefits of volunteering are worth considering. Volunteering does not just provide vital help to those in need; it also helps those that volunteer to find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even helps advance their careers. When you volunteer, it can help keep you mentally stimulated. It can protect your physical health because it reduces stress which combats depression. Many people that volunteer say that it gives them a sense of purpose in life.
Contrary to what people may think, volunteering doesn’t mean you must make a long-term commitment or take a lot of time out of your busy day. If you give in simple ways, it can significantly help those in need as well. When you volunteer, you are likely to see an improvement in your own health and happiness. There are way too many benefits of volunteering to list in this article, so here are the top 5.
- One of the most beneficial impacts of volunteering is creating a community. Since the pandemic days, we all have had more difficulty finding ways to connect with others. Whether you are a single college student or a family of five looking for community, when you surround yourself with others with similar interests and commit to a shared activity, you become part of something larger than yourself. Working with a shared cause for people or animals strengthens ties and creates new connections.
- If you volunteer, you will learn transferrable skills that can help you advance your career. Regardless of where you are in your career, volunteering can teach you new skills and help you build upon skills you already have. Interpersonal communication, teamwork, time management, leadership, delegation, communication, leadership, and problem-solving are transferable skills you can develop through volunteer work. When you are just entering the work field, volunteering can give you job experience that you may lack, introduce you to professional organizations, and even help you land an internship. For those looking to change careers, why not use a newly acquired certification, apply your new job skills, and gain the needed experience while helping others?
- Volunteering can make you happier. When you put time into helping others, it can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. If you feel more satisfied with life because of volunteering, scientific evidence suggests there are added health benefits when the brain releases serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. People that volunteer tend to be more optimistic than those who don’t, which means being around positivity can give you a more positive attitude.
- Volunteering is good for your health. Being part of a community can help alleviate loneliness for those that live alone. Some volunteer jobs can help keep you more physically active. For example, those that work desk jobs may volunteer to do gardening outdoors to have more active time outside and a better life balance. Families can volunteer to help rehab or clean up a home for the underprivileged to stay active.
- Volunteering can make you feel more fulfilled. Volunteering is a fun and easy way to explore your interests and passions. Some people may choose to volunteer specific talents they have so they can spend more time on their hobbies or build their special interests further. When you do volunteer work that you find meaningful and interesting it can be a relaxing, energizing escape from your day-to-day routine of work, school, or family commitments. Volunteering can give you renewed creativity and motivation. The renewal you experience from volunteering can enlighten your life’s vision, impacting your personal and professional life.

As you can see, the benefits of volunteering are abundant. You may now be wondering where to begin or how to find the right volunteer opportunities for you. The good news is that there are various volunteer opportunities to choose from. I recommend writing down some questions and answers to help you decide how to volunteer your time. You will want to look at options you would enjoy doing while ensuring that your commitment matches the organization’s needs. Some good questions you can ask yourself are:
- Would you like to work with adults, children, or animals?
- Do you prefer to volunteer in person, or do you need to volunteer remotely from home?
- Are you hoping to work alone or as part of a team?
- Would you like a leadership role, or do you prefer more of a behind-the-scenes job?
- Are there any special skills you are looking to learn?
- How much time do you have to volunteer?
- What skills can you bring to the table?
- Do you have specific talents that could be used?
- What causes are important to you?
Once you have an idea of your basic volunteer plan, you can dig deeper to understand your personal goals as a volunteer. You should ask yourself if you are seeking to meet any specific purposes such as a desire to improve your neighborhood, to meet new people with different outlooks, to try something new, to do something rewarding, to see new places, or experience another way of living. Perhaps you want to try out a new type of work that you are considering pursuing as a full-time job, or you want to expand on your interests and hobbies. Once you know more about your own goals, you can move on to research the different opportunities at organizations that exist in your area. Some great places to start are theaters, museums, monuments, libraries, parks, senior centers, hospitals, service organizations, local animal shelters, rescue organizations, wildlife centers, youth organizations, sports teams, after-school programs, homeless shelters, and places of worship like churches or synagogues.
The final step is to contact a few of your favorite organizations to introduce yourself and learn more about their volunteer opportunities. It is always a good practice to write down any questions you may have like how many hours of commitment per week the volunteer opportunity entails and what steps you need to take to become a volunteer for them.
Once you find the volunteer role that fits you best, it will be easy to see that donating your time to others is one of the most rewarding things you have ever done. When you volunteer good works to show love to others, you will become healthier and happier, build community, enhance your career, and uncover your passions. Volunteering might even help you find your purpose in life.